Cygnet Theatre

Up-and-coming organization overcomes its underdog status.

Cygnet Theatre Miresball Visual Identity

How does an upstart theatre company solidify its reputation and attract new audiences?

Despite limited resources and a small, temporary facility, Cygnet Theatre garnered respect for its artistic vision within a well-established local performing arts community. The organization needed its marketing communications to reflect the ambition of its stagecraft.

Brand strategy

Reframing the reality.

Turning the physical limitations of its small space into an advantage, a new tagline encapsulates the audience experience while signalling Cygnet’s artistic ambition.

Up close.
Far reaching.

Visual identity

Built with more character.

By harnessing the literal meaning of “cygnet”—a young swan—the brand amplifies its audacious and energetic personality. A brighter version of Cygnet’s signature red adds to the re-energized identity.

Cygnet Theatre Miresball Swan Icon
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Before
Cygnet Theatre Miresball After
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Logo
Brand toolkit

Show-stopping style.

Reinforcing the “up close” brand message, big, bold, tightly spaced typography fills the space. The crisp contrast of red, black, and white creates recognition at every turn.

Cygnet Theatre Miresball Brochure Cover
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Tote Bag
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Ticket
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Stationery
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Signage

The ticket to impact.

The brand identity translates seamlessly to high-visibility marketing with floods of bright color and frame-filling typography. Simple, iconic visuals and stage-setting copy deliver the essential flavor of each show.

Cygnet Theatre Miresball Bus Stop
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Posters
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Billboard
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Poster Copy Lines
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Poster Copy Lines
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Poster Copy Lines
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Poster Copy Lines
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Poster Copy Lines
Cygnet Theatre Miresball Poster Copy Lines