California Center for the Arts Museum

An exhibition of sculpture by California-based artists makes a critical impression.

Ca Center For The Arts Museum Miresball Spreads Detail

How does a new art museum build its reputation?

A survey of contemporary sculpture by California-based artists, California: In Three Dimensions was one of the first exhibitions presented by the newly opened California Center for the Arts Museum (CCAM).

Seizing the opportunity to put CCAM on the map, a comprehensive catalog and series of event invitations were created to engage donors, press, and the national arts community.

Ca Center For The Arts Museum Miresball Cover Detail

The bright yellow cover references California sunshine, while maximizing its tactile effect by alternating embossed and debossed letters.

Ca Center For The Arts Museum Miresball Cover
Ca Center For The Arts Museum Miresball Spreads

Presented on the signature yellow paper stock, a written statement by each artist was uniquely designed to respond to their associated work.

Exhibition announcements also carried the tactile emboss/deboss effect, with the reverse-side impression providing a background for event details.

Ca Center For The Arts Museum Miresball Brochure Cover
Ca Center For The Arts Museum Miresball Brochure
Ca Center For The Arts Museum Miresball Brochure Detail